Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Year in Review

Last week we received my December 4th CT scan results. We are so relieved and incredibly thankful that there is no evidence of cancer in my abdomen or pelvis. Praise God for that huge answer to prayer! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Good News

I'm delighted to have good news to share with you! Although I did experience two terrible bouts of nausea which sent me to the hospital, I'm now three weeks nausea-free and seeing recovery momentum. I've finally been able to gain some weight and energy with the help of food and medications. And in the past two weeks my nerve-damaged left leg is definitely getting stronger! It's still numb but the restored strength allows me to walk a bit without my walker. Praise God for this good news! These are two big answers to prayer. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Thank you for your continued prayers despite my absence from the blog!  Last week was a whirlwind, including a memorable and delicious Thanksgiving Monday with family, being surprised (and overjoyed!) with the news of my brother's engagement, two full days of doctors appointments in Toronto and maid of honour preparations for my dear friend's beautiful wedding on Saturday. It's been a week of so much thankfulness, joy and peace. Thank you, Lord!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Looking Up

As I've searched for an eloquent way to update all of our amazing supporters, blog readers and prayer warriors, I've struggled to find words.  While the surgery went better than expected, the past two weeks of recovery have been filled with challenges.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Julia's Surgery

This is Andy, Julia's husband, following explicit orders to post an update to the army of people thinking and praying for my wife. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

One Week

My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th at 8 a.m. with a Surgical Oncologist from Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto.  Our kind Oncologist from Jurvinski Hospital in Hamilton referred us to PMH mid-summer and after our meeting there, we decided to have the surgery in Toronto.  Princess Margaret is one of the top five cancer centres in the world; we are so grateful to have had such incredible health care access throughout this journey!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Struck by Reality

While we've found so many reasons to be thankful, there are moments when we're struck by the reality of our situation.  In these moments, we become overwhelmed and cry out in disappointment, confusion, anger, fear, hopelessness and tears. Efforts to think positively or focus on one step at a time go out the window as the raw emotions and reactions take over.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Your Prayers

Your prayers are working.  Your prayers have protected me from allergic reactions to the chemo.  Your prayers have placed me under the care of amazing nurses and doctors.  Your prayers have led to minimal side effects in both chemo rounds.  Your prayers have clothed me with strength, peace and joy.  Your prayers have encouraged my spirit on difficult days.  Your prayers have equipped Andy to be such a kind and loving husband, making me laugh as he shaved my head.  Your prayers have helped us navigate difficult decisions around my upcoming surgery at the end of the summer.  Your prayers have surrounded our families and friends, filling each one with strength to support and encourage us daily.  Your prayers are working, and this is only what I see with my feeble human eyesight.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hiking the Alps

We met with my Oncologist at the Juravinski Cancer Centre yesterday morning to discuss my treatment plan.  My situation is rather puzzling to oncologists, because I do not have any family history of women with cancer and my age does not fit the profile for ovarian cancer.  The textbook treatment plan for women in their 60s with stage 3c epithelial ovarian cancer is to do three rounds of chemo, surgery and three rounds of chemo.  The data supports this treatment plan, and so that is my treatment plan.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Choosing Vulnerability

Over the past two years, I've been learning about and wrestling with vulnerability.  I've been asking questions about its appropriate context and reflecting on its ability to cultivate connection.  Brene Brown, author of "Daring Greatly," has been an inspiration to me in this quest.  Although I'm a big fan of vulnerability within tried and true relationships, I'll admit that diving into vulnerability in the blogging world is uncomfortable and challenging.